

There’s nothing more daunting and worrisome as a salon owner than having empty chairs and holes in your books. It’s not fun for you and it’s not fun for your stylists and other salon employees that are counting on their income to pay bills and put food in their mouths. 

If you have a need to bring in new clients, let’s make some changes right now, today!

Take a look at what we compiled below. These are key things that you can implement as soon as right now to start bringing in more clients. More clients means more money. More money means happy employees and happy you!

Referrals bring in HUGE business.

Don’t be shy about asking your current clients to refer you to their friends and family. If you have some very loyal clients, it’s best to start with them. Obviously they like you as a hairstylist or they wouldn’t keep coming back over and over. Why wouldn’t they want to tell their friends about how awesome you are?

Build loyalty by rewarding it!
If you don’t already have a loyalty program in place, now is the time to start one. The more people come into your salon, the more loyalty points they earn. Once they hit a certain number of loyalty points they can redeem them for a free product in your salon, a free salon treatment, etc. Offer them something to become loyal to you and to work towards. Everyone loves getting something for free but in the case of a loyalty program, you are certainly making your money back on these clients.

Social media is your friend.
It’s free to post on social media so DO IT. Social media posts can hit a lot of people, especially if you toss a few dollars into paying for your post or ad to get in front of your target audience. Make sure you share a captivating picture or video along with whatever text you want to post so that it intrigues people to pause and see what you shared. This is the perfect platform to show off your mad skills and let people know that you have spots open for new clients.

Get their digits.
…or email address, or physical address, or whatever! You need to secure a way to get in touch with people who show an interest in what you have to offer. If you don’t have anything set up where they can enter their info and you can capture their lead, what good is a website visitor? Make sure you have some type of landing page dedicated to getting their info for future contacts.

Start a blog.
You want to position yourself and your salon as the leader and guru in the beauty field. A blog is the perfect way to do this. Share tips, tricks, before/afters, testimonials, Q&A sessions, etc. When people see that you know your stuff, they’ll want to do business with you and will be calling to book their appointment.

Always have business cards on hand.
Having business cards on you at all times might seem silly but you never know who you will meet. You could strike up conversation in the line at the grocery store and pass out your card. You might give it to a receptionist at your doctor’s office. My point is that you never know when you’ll be in a position where you wish you had one so always carry them with you.

Implementing even some of the items we mentioned above is guaranteed to bring in some business for your salon. If you are ready to kick your business up even further, reach out to us. That’s what we do for businesses just like yours every day! Click here for more info.

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