There are BILLIONS of users on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Billions. It can be hard enough trying to compete with the salon down the street from you so how on earth are you supposed to compete with billions of others for your audience’s attention? It can be overwhelming to think about but when you break it down, there’s a lot more in your control then you might think.

Think about how your business uses the following areas to get some attention on social media. If you think you’re game is slacking, then it’s time to switch things up and bit and get the old creative juices flowing again. If you ever find yourself in a pinch or overwhelmed about handling your social media accounts, reach out to us. We help businesses like yours every day get an online presence and take their business to new heights. If that sounds like something you’re up for, click here to let us know!

For now, take a look at how you can get noticed and stand out like the shining star you are on your social media pages.

Showcase Your Skills
You’ve got mad skills and social media is the perfect place to show them off! Show before and after pics. Show videos of you doing the latest hair color technique on your clients. Show all ages so people know you can service both genders and all ages. Think about what sets you apart and show that off.

Make it Personal
It’s hard not to get personal with someone who is a regular client and sitting in your chair every few weeks. You get to know the ins and outs of their lives and the relationship turns from a professional relationship to one that is more personal in nature. Is your client coming in for an awesome, updated back to school ‘do? Post a pic (with their permission) wishing them best of luck on their first day back to school. Feeling really grateful for your clients? Let them feel the love by posting what amazing clients you have and how you are thankful for them each and every day.

Share Useful Info
Your clients look at you because you are the expert. You surely have tips and trick that could help them maintain their style, make a blowout last longer, or keep their hair healthy. Share those fun little tidbits off and on. You want to give people something of value so that they stay engaged with your posts. This is a great way to do that.


Brag a Little (or a lot!)
Do you have some clients that you’ve obtained shining testimonials from? With their permission, share those occasionally on your page. People want to believe you when you say how wonderful you are and show off your skills, but they really will take the word of others so share testimonials now and again.

How do you boost engagement and gain traction on your social media accounts? Leave us a comment below and let us know!

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