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If you’ve ever found yourself in this boat or are just starting out as a salon owner, now is the time to focus on building your brand, establishing the culture of your business, and taking control of your future. 

Listen, we’ve all experienced staff members who feel they can show up whenever they want and not be held accountable, argue with you or fellow staff in front of client’s, and staff who think they can use your platform to grow their clientele and then go to another salon with their clients in tow. We know how hard it can be when you are the boss and you are the one responsible for setting the tone and disciplining staff members, but if you don’t take the leadership role and invest into your team, you’ll be left high and dry,

Think about the game Jenga™. When you start playing this game and remove only one piece, the tower, which is made up of many individual pieces, stays steady and doesn’t falter. However, as the game goes on and pieces are moved and holes are left, the tower gets off kilter, wobbly, and falls easily. When you build a strong culture and brand, your business will be much like the game of Jenga™. When your culture and brand are solidified, if one person decides to venture somewhere else, your whole business won’t go crashing down. However, if you are letting your stylists call the shots and they are determining how and when things will get done, your business will come crashing down with the removal of even one team member.

So, how can you go about creating a steadfast culture and unwavering brand experience? Here are the top three ways to do just that:

  1. Put your business out there.
    No one will know you exist unless you put your business on blast. Make sure you have accounts on various social media platforms and use them to tell your story. Make your business relatable and personal by sharing stories, pictures of your salon, and before/after pics. You could even highlight your team members by posting about them and their skills. How and what you post will give potential clients the feel if they are a good fit for your salon, and the same goes for prospective stylists! These posts will showcase the culture and fun environment your salon has and stylists will want to work there. If you’ve had a team member choose to leave, make it so no on even notices by sharing the fabulous talents of your other stylists. Then when the client calls to rebook, they might have already seen some of the other stylists work and decide to give them a try versus foregoing any appointment.
  2. Be consistent.
    Consistency is key with clients. They don’t want to feel that they were greeted, offered a beverage during their visit, and given a great hair service one time only to return and have an aloof receptionist, a full waiting room, and be called back late for their service. Consistency is of utmost importance. Always make sure they are having a great experience every visit and make your presence known. As a salon owner, it makes clients feel at ease if you are visible and seem to have a vested interest in the happiness and satisfaction of your clients. Make sure your team members are on board with giving exceptional service from start to finish and that will take you a long way.
  3. Stay connected to your clients.
    Don’t let the only time a client hears about your brand be when they are inside your establishment. Stay in touch with your clients. Send them a message on Facebook. Send them an email about a new service that your salon offers. Send them a text reminder that it’s time they make their next appointment. Keep your brand in the forefront of their minds. Have you ever thought of introducing a loyalty program? It could be that for every so many visits, they receive a complimentary treatment, a free nail polish, or a free trial size product. The choice of reward is yours but make it something that will create loyalty with your clients and give them a sense of appreciation.

When you decide to take control of your business and have the determination to succeed, the sky is the limits for what you can accomplish. Embrace your brand and make sure all you bring onboard to your team do as well. Make sure you build up your client and stylist loyalty and put effort into building your brand. If you want help building your business, reach out to us. It’s what we do every day for businesses just like yours. We look forward to hearing from you!

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